Dr. Hezi Halawi Teacher+972-8-9489142hezi.halawi@mail.huji.ac.il Automorphic representations; Mathematics
Dr. Yael Heifetz Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)Phone: +972-(0)8-9489313 | Fax: +972-(0)8-9466768yael.heifetz@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal SiteInitiation of fertilization in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.
Prof. Amir Heiman ProfessorPhone: +972-(0)8-9489143amir.heiman@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal SitePre-Purchase Risk-Reduction Marketing Mechanisms, Branding and promotion of agricultural products.
Dr. David Helman Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) +972-(0)8-948-9208David.Helman@mail.huji.ac.ilM&M-VS Lab, near Kennedy-Lee buildings +972-(0)8-948-9242Personal siteCrop modeling, Digital Agriculture, and Remote Sensing
Prof. Yael Helman Associate Professor, Vice Dean for International Affairs, Head of International School of Agricultural SciencesPhone:+972-8-9489218 Fax:+972-8-9466794yael.helman@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal Site Microbial interactions in the rhizosphere, Biological control of plant pathogens, Mechanisms of bacterial stress responses.
Dr. Abigail Hurwitz Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)+972 54 544 3281abigail.hurwitz@mail.huji.ac.ilPersonal SitePensions, Insurance, Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Decision making
Jenny Marcos-Hadad Lab ManagerPhone: +972-(0)8-9489166jennyma@savion.huji.ac.ilLubell Building, room 2Lab Manager at Dr. Shay Covo Lab.